Merch it up Buttercup

Ground penetration? Yup. Utility location? Si. Core holes drilled? Bueno.

Having conquered concrete and the underground, Xradar and GeoScan are coming for your closet because now they've got merch.


"I may be a beginner in some things, but I've got a blackbelt in shopping."

- Phyllis Nefler

New Arrivals

"Gold jacket, green jacket, who gives a shit?"

- Happy Gilmore


"Through the quad and into the gymnasium, c'mon everybody! It's cool, bring your green hat, lets go."

- Frank 'The Tank' Ricard


My, what beautiful garms you're wearing.

Thanks, now you can too in a just a couple of clicks

I shaved at least 3 strokes off my handicap and it's all thanks to wearing this polo shirt & dad hat combination.

Joseph Salazar

I wish you made pants with 7,218 pockets like mine.

Mike Neale